About Village Chauki (Chowki)

About Village Chauki (Chowki):

Village Chauki is located in Hamirpur district, Himachal Pradesh. It is situated at Lat=31.6282004469 N, Lon=76.5779557731 E and is divided into two areas: lower Chauki and upper Chauki. The village has a population of less than 300, with 40 to 70 families residing here.

Chauki village is bordered by villages Kankari and Rehala to the west, Jalgraon and Kakon to the east, and Tal and Rehjol to the north. The homes in the village are clustered together for sociability and defense.

The major occupation of the villagers is agriculture, and many individuals also serve in defense and service sectors for their livelihood. In the past, until 1995 A.D., people used to cultivate their farms with oxen, but now tractors have replaced them, and only a few farmers still use oxen.

The villagers deeply respect their family deities (kuldevta), Sun, Plaksa tree (Pipal tree), and Lord Shiva. The two main castes in the village are Rajput and Chaudhary. Chauki is also home to a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, a medical dispensary, and the G.S.S. School in Tal.

Temple of Lord Shiva at village Chauki (Chowki).

Picture of Tal Pond

Chauki is located at a distance of 6 km from Bhota town and 12 km from its District Main City, Hamirpur. The postal code of Village Chauki is 177401.

Satellite View of Village Chauki (Chowki)

View Karan Rajput Home in a larger map

More reference :- Village Chowki 


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